Adapters and Accessories that provide real solutions and make completing the job a snap!
Today’s vehicles and their high-tech braking systems require precision rotor re-surfacing with minimal run-out. It’s not the brake lathe machines that can’t keep up with today’s technology, it’s the adapters. Rotors and Drums were being re-surfaced using 50-year-old technology such as cones and clamping cups. These types of adapters are difficult to set up and the numerous cones and cups it takes to adapt up to 1-ton vehicles can reach well over 25 pieces. We felt there had to be a better way.
In 1993, we developed the Quick Chuck Adapter. This unique idea revolutionized the machining process of hub-less and composite brake rotors and drums. The Quick Chuck provides quick error free set-up on all hub-less rotors and drums up to 1-ton vehicles, with precision mounting and accuracy that is proven and patented. (U.S. patent no. 5,224,307)
This innovation and technology has allowed us to develop other unique products exclusively for Hennessey Industries. Hennessey is the manufacturer of Ammco brake lathes and Coats tire changers and balancers. Inside you’ll find the Ammco Double Chuck (U.S. patent no. 6,601,485) and Coats Balancer Chuck provides the solutions to get the job done.
W.Y. International has a complete line of products that will expand your capabilities and keep you productive as you grow.
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In 1993, we developed the Quick Chuck Adapter. This unique idea revolutionized the machining process of hub-less and composite brake rotors and drums. The Quick Chuck provides quick error free set-up on all hub-less rotors and drums up to 1-ton vehicles, with precision mounting and accuracy that is proven and patented. (U.S. patent no. 5,224,307)
This innovation and technology has allowed us to develop other unique products exclusively for Hennessey Industries. Hennessey is the manufacturer of Ammco brake lathes and Coats tire changers and balancers. Inside you’ll find the Ammco Double Chuck (U.S. patent no. 6,601,485) and Coats Balancer Chuck provides the solutions to get the job done.
W.Y. International has a complete line of products that will expand your capabilities and keep you productive as you grow.

Quick Chuck Adapter
Universal Brake Lathe Adapter; Its unique self centering design makes Quick Chuck the simplest, quickest and most precision brake lathe adapter on the market for machining hub-less rotors and drums.
Twin Quick Chuck Kits
Three kits to choose from, comes complete with two separate Quick Chucks one with standard jaws & std. plate #70040 and one with large jaws & large plate #70048, Plus small plate #70047 and Toyota plate #70054

Double Chuck Adapter
Problem: The growing number of brake lathe adapters required to mount hub-less rotors and drums through 1 ton vehicles. Solution: Double Chuck Adapter. The Double 3-Jaw Chuck design offers dead-on centering accuracy along with quick and easy set-up.

Heavy Duty Truck/Bus Brake Lathe Adapter
Our exclusive Heavy Duty Brake Lathe Adapter provides quick error free set-up on heavy duty hub-less drums & rotors, with precision mounting and machining accuracy that is proven and patented.

Balancer Chuck
The simplest, fastest and most efficient way of adapting truck wheels to your balancer. The 3-Jaw Chuck design offers dead-on centering accuracy along with quick and easy set-up. With the optional Extended Jaw Set #90041 it has the capability of expanding from 3.13”- 9.125”.

Heavy Duty Balancer Chuck
Exclusive Heavy Duty Three Jaw Chuck eliminates the need for cones when adapting truck wheels to your balancer. With three massive jaws this universal adapter has a capability of expanding from 8” – 12”.